Sunday 24 October 2010

The last minute rejects.

Did you know paying for your items at a supermarket till can actually be rather intriguing? I made this discovery this morning, after a mundane shop for essentials at Tescos. 'So what's so brilliant about it?' ,you may be thinking. Well , It's not the bleak, drained face of the cashier as she stares straight ahead with those empty, soul polluted eyes. It's also not the constant, shrill beep of the machine as your items pass through, excruciatingly slowly. Handing over the cash,or any cash for that matter, is never a pleasant experience and  trying to peel open the flimsy plastic carrier bags is always a messy frustration- so what is so great? Simple as, it's 'The last minute rejects'.
                                   You may be confused as to what on earth they are, but believe me, you've seen them-we've all seen them. I'm talking about those items that customers before you have panicked about and decided to drop as they approach the till. They have mounted up in stacks, varying objects that just didn't quite make it out of the shop. Before you know it you're thoroughly entertained, imagining up all kinds of scenarios for the rejected items. Perhaps it's a toy that a child has slyly popped in the trolley and the mother notices just in time-surely a tantrum would've followed? Or how about that mouthwatering, creamy chocolate bar? Perhaps a woman was feeling guilty about it and, at the last minute, panicked about fitting into her new autumn dress and flung it on to the side of the counter. Or that pricey power drill? Must have been a woman scolding her husband and removing it from their basket- becuase he never uses his current power drill, let alone does any DIY work,ever.
                                  Honestly, it's a brilliant game to play and it passes the time. So, next time you're at the checkout, have a look for those reject items...


  1. i thoroughly enjoy your blog.
    It's relevant and humorous.
    Call me sad, but i enjoy seeing your new post pop up in my feed !

    Keep it up. you'll go far.

  2. Hahaha! Love it!! Your blog is so cute! I can't wait to read your other posts.

    Take care!

